Secretary Treasurer

Brett Martin

Duties of the Secretary Treasurer,

The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive all monies from any source for the benefit of the Local Lodge and deposit the same in a bank of sound financial standing in the name of Aeronautical Industrial Lodge 727-P. He or she shall keep a systematic and accurate account of all revenues and disbursements in such a way to show the balance of cash on hand at the close of each meeting of the Lodge. He or she shall provide a copy of any and all reports to the Recording Secretary prior to any and all meetings. He or she shall be authorized to sign all checks drawn on Local Lodge account from legally drawn executed vouchers. He or she shall turn over to the auditors at each semi-annual audit, all canceled checks and vouchers, books and statements, and render them such assistance as they may require, and perform any other duty required by the Local Lodge or IAM Constitution.

About Brett…

Alright where do I start? Hired in at Lockheed on March 27th, 2000 after working what I would call the circuit, 10 years Boeing and 12 plus years at Northrop. I was a proponent for labor unions after my years spent at Northrop and experienced a non union shop and what that meant if you weren't in with the clicks. Long story. I became involved with the union after not being fairly represented in a layoff dispute, and made up my mind that I would do what ever I can to help our members not experience that kind of unfair treatment going forward. My first involvement was running for steward in 2010 successfully, then an opening on our e-board opened for the V.P. and I threw my hat in the ring. After a couple of years I decided to run for local President, unsuccessfully and was out a short time until I was approached with the Secretary Treasurer position opening and asked if I would be willing to help out, the rest is history. I have run for the grievance/negotiating committee, successfully and was able to negotiate what I feel was a very fair and lucrative contract with the negotiating team for the membership.

What are your Goals for the Position you Hold?

To make our local solvent and prosperous and to carefully manage the memberships money's while growing our funds to allow for varied activities to be paid for for the memberships benefit.

Additional information you’d like the membership to know?

My goal has always been to improve our local union through engagement of the membership. We have made improvements but we still have lots of work to do.