Vice President / Communicator

Derrick Hernandez

Duties of Vice President,

It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assist the President at all times in preserving order at Local Lodge meetings. In absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside over all meetings of the Local Lodge. He or she shall be authorized to sign checks, vouchers, and other legal papers of an emergency nature in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall succeed to the office of President due to removal, death or resignation, as set forth in the IAM Constitution.

Duties of Communicator,

The Local Lodge president shall appoint a communicator who, in accordance with the official directives, policies, and programs of the Grand Lodge, will use the latest forms of information technology to communicate with the Local Lodge membership about their work and family lives.

About Derrick…

I began working at Lockheed Martin, November 11th, 2019 as a Machinist in 637. It was a great opportunity from my last job working as a Machinist in Valencia and I was excited and ready to succeeded in my new career. After lots of hard work and demonstration of my skills, I was promoted to the lead of 2nd shift for my department. I continued to work hard and look for more ways to grow and progress. In November of 2021, after placing a bid for several different roles, I was promoted to a new position. I became a Machined Parts Planner, now known as a Manufacturing Planner. This position presented new challenges that I was eager to tackle.

Another opportunity that came from becoming a Planner was the ability to learn about of the Union I was a part of. I was lucky enough to be sat with Brett Martin, our Secretary Treasurer. I quickly learned what it was we, The Union, really stood for and with the guidance of Brett, soon volunteered to become a Senior Steward. From this position it would allow me to help others as I was helped.

Next, in April of 2022, I was appointed as the Communicator for our Local Lodge. I remade the entire website to make it modern and to try and bring inclusion, involvement, and interaction to the membership. From then till present, I have managed our website. To try provide information about the Union to the membership. I continue to work hard and make sure that everyone has access to any information they might need.

Lastly, in August of 2023, I was appointed as the Vice President of our Local Lodge. My goals as Vice President is to continue to spread awareness and promote solidarity within our Local and our Union as a whole. I emphasize communication and transparency with the membership. I want everyone to know that you get out what you put in and that my goals are centered around improving the lives of our membership.

Additional information you’d like the membership to know?

If there is more you would like to know about me, from my hobbies to more about my career, you can check out my personal website by clicking the link below.