Chief Steward

Greeting Brothers and Sisters,

With the election coming to an end and the votes counted we are pleased to announce who the membership has chosen.

The membership has chosen to elect…

Brett Martin

Brett is pleased to accept the position of Chief Steward and look forward to continuing in his efforts to represent the Membership.

A Statement from Brett:

Hello brothers and sisters,

I wanted to take a moment to thank each and every member for their support during our recent election for chief steward. I understand we are all busy and for you to take time out of your schedule to come and vote is very much appreciated by all the candidates. This election was an important factor in changing the way we do things at this site to support our represented membership. We now have a focal point on site to service the people. We will continue to depend on our stewards but know that they will now have the focused  support they need to quickly and fairly resolve issue’s. I would also like to say that I appreciated the trust you put in me to do the work of the chief steward and you have my word I will do my best to help each and every member in need. The people deserve a voice and I will now do my best to be that voice.


Thank you again and lets get to work!!!

** Voting Results **

  • Brett Martin - 50%

  • David Gutierrez - 36%

  • Weston Heinrich - 6%

  • James Bennett - 4%

  • Timothy Simon - 3%

  • Curtis Husted - 1%


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Chief Steward Nominees