Grand Lodge Convention Day 1

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Today marked day one of the Grand Lodge Convention. The convention opened with several speakers and co-hosts thanking all those involved with the planning and organizing of the event. It was then led to the main host Desi Lydic, host of The Daily Show.

Through well-timed comic relief, she gave a very encouraging speech about the importance of Unionization and the history of such. One downside, but also earned based on their voting history against labor-positive bills, was the jokes made against former President Donald Trump and several other members of the Republican party. With so many jokes made towards Republicans, the opening was very Democrat-favored. Republican politicians may have earned it, but it felt like it alienated members who align with Republican Values like many of our Local. The upside was the speeches were very inspirational for the labor movement.

Next to come out was the lead guitarist of Rage Against the Machine, Tom Morello. He spoke of his past and how the Labor Movement shaped his life.

After a short break the convention continued with the presentation of the ceremonial gavel.

Our International President Brian Bryant took the stage and opened the Grand Lodge Convention for business. He gave very passionate speeches about how we as a Union are growing faster than we have seen in our history and how we are growing from coast to coast. We are organizing across the country and we are going to continue to grow. So much information about Locals across the country was given, it was impossible to capture it all in this post. From organizing to strikes, our Union is working hard for our members and all hard-working laborers who want to join such a fast-growing Union.

After introducing the Committee on the Future, Bryant talked about the upcoming election and stated his views on who he felt the delegates should endorse. Bryant spoke nothing but bad about Trump from his record and praised Biden and how we need Kamala as the next president, however, it would be up to the delegates in attendance later this week to vote for who they feel the Union should endorse.

After all of the passionate speeches, we began the beginning of the business with the report of the GST. This was followed by the introduction of all the GVPs of every territory. As well as many members of the executive council. The list goes on of everyone who was introduced and the positions they hold.

The Rules Committee read the rules in which the meetings shall operate and laid the foundation for how to run a proper meeting. The GLC is to operate properly and follow the rules in which they were stated.

After confirmation of the rules, the convention was recessed for the rest of Day 1.

Thank you,

Delegates of 727p at the Grand Lodge Convention.

9-1-2024 GLC2024 Day 1 Sunday

Grand Lodge Convention Day 2


Local Lodge Officers, Delegates, and Elective Committees Nominations and Election