May Union Meeting Summary.

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Welcome to the summery of our May’s Day Shift Member’s Meeting.

Our meeting began promptly at 16:00.

We started the with The Pledge of Allegiance which led us into our standard protocol with an E-Board Roll Call.

Following roll call, Brother James had informed us that we had no visitors or guests and we also had verification of quorum.

Sister Patricia read us the past minutes of our last meeting. That can be read by clicking the button below.

Also, if you’d like another option to stay informed to this website, please check out our new Facebook page. Give us a follow so you can see all updates as we post them there as well.

Next, Brother Brett gave us the Secretary Treasurer report and reported our bills which we agreed to pay.

Next, we moved to Reports from the E-Board

Brother Luis started with thanking everyone for showing up followed by bringing up about the question of the month. We had a good response rate and we drawn a winner from the correct answers. The winner was to receive their prize later in the meeting during good and welfare. We are going to continue with the question of the month and we encourage everyone to submit your responses for your chance to win a $100 gift card.

Brother Gerald started by thanking everyone as well. Started by addressing questions he had been receiving about the upcoming changes for the 401k. That change, per the contract, has to be made no later than July 1st. So please be patient. Next he informed of all the Tee Shirts we have for both New Members and if you want to buy another shirt, he has plenty available at $10 a shirt.

Brother David brought up about Continuous Service Pins from the Union. He was going to spear head that effort for those interested in receiving service pins from the Union. If you are interested, please contact David.

We moved to Reports from Committees

We had a report from the Budget Committee. If you are interested in seeing what the Budget Committee planned for the local for the year of 2023 budget, please contact us about the updated budget proposal. Day Shift has accepted the proposed budget, however we will still have to have our vote at second shift.

Next the By-Laws Committee read the 2 proposed changes to the By-Laws. The first proposal was to have the times changed for the second shift meeting. The By-Laws Committee recommended that we reject that proposal because we are not sure pertaining to the new possible schedules. Day Shift cast their votes, but results will not be until after the second shift meeting.

The Second proposed change was to add language to the By-Laws to match the District Delegate for when we have elections for the District Delegates. The By-Laws Committee recommended to accept the proposed change. We want all District Delegates election to match the District Elections. Day Shift cast the votes and we will wait for second shift to finalize the result.

Lastly, Brother Vic had a communication from the District. To help offset the cost to run the Local’s /District’s building, the Delegates are looking into having Solar Panels installed. This would help to offset the cost of our bills. Brother Vic also informed us that both he and Brother Alan are also headed to Sacramento for The California Labor Federation Joint Legislative Conference and for The California Conference of Machinists. The subject of the conference is expected to be about Unionizing all of California. They will have a report next month.

Next we moved to reports from the Business Representatives

Brother Richard started by piggybacking off what Brother Vic brought up about Solar and brought up that the District is looking to find funding through the State and through Congress to try and put a Vocational Training School across the street from the Hall on the property the district owns there. We are also in the talks with Lockheed to see if that could be part of a partnership potentially, but ultimately we want that to be a Union School. Next he moved to Bonuses that were apart of our ratification with Lockheed. Everyone should have received their bonuses. If for some reason you have not received it yet, Contact Brother Richard. He then brought up Steward Elections. Steward nominations we made last month and we have received several nominations for Stewards. With the help of Brother James, they will be verifying those nominated to see if they meet the meeting attendance requirement. Once that is finalized, for areas that will require elections will be contacted to have those votes. Next, the bidding period is are coming up. The new Interest Bids are coming. When it comes to putting in preference bids, pay attention to the job requirements. Make sure you qualify for those positions. He also addressed that we are seeing issues with bids, and many members aren’t being offered. Issues with members on Second shift not being offered first shift before a new hire. That is being looked into and we are working through that with Lockheed. Next, we have reviewed the final CBA. We are meeting with Lockheed to fix issues that were found. This issues were issues with holidays and mistakes in what days were off and which days were missed. There were gaps in our holiday shutdown. (Update: After meeting with the Lockheed on Monday 5/8/2023, we have fixed those issues with those Holiday mistakes.) Grievances! This first week of May, we haven’t seen any progress because Lockheed was in negotiations with the IBEW and this next week they will be negotiating with the Operating Engineers. Because of that, Richard will be making site visits. Lastly, he wanted to talk about the TDY Members. There have been times where they have been needing representation. He has had times were they have come to the Hall to talk to us about this. They have their own stewards and business representative to represent them. If it was an emergency, then absolutely we will represent them, but when it comes to filing grievances for them, they have their own grievance process and their own grievance forms. They need to follow their own procedure.

Next, Brother Edwin didn’t have to much to share. He plans on visiting Edwards and building 703 over the next week. He would put out a schedule for those members out there for the times he would be there. He has also been distributing more shirts to those members as well. He is trying to get more participation from that membership as well. Lastly, negotiations for Vertex are coming up in the next few months. These are the negotiations that were extended while he was out, now its time to finish those.

Now we moved onto Good and Welfare.

Good and Welfare started with Brother Alan wanting to inform the membership if some valuable information. He started with informing the membership about if you are out of work on disability, you still have to pay your dues. However, if you are out of work, your dues can be reduced, but you have to come to the hall inform Sarah that you are out of work and can request to have your dues reduced. Do not delay if you are going to be out of work for an extended amount of time. Next, if you are leaving Lockheed and are going to start another job also under the IAM, make sure that you inform that Local that you are an active paying member so you can prevent having to pay initiation dues under that new local.

Next, we awarded to our winner of the Question of the Month for April. The winner was Curtis Husted. He collected his $100 Gift Card. Don’t miss out on your chance to win and head over to answer our next Question of the Month. This month’s question is all about the Bidding Period set to start in June.

The questions of the month are an open book question. All the answers are in our new CBA. The goal if for everyone to be educated on what is in the contract so you have the best understanding of what is written.


We had our 50/50 drawings.

We had our raffle drawings for a prize (Tee-Shirt).

We had a motion to cancel July’s Member’s Meetings which were accepted.

We had a motion to accept June’s Callouts which were accepted.

We had a motion to get a new computer for the Local Executive Board which was accepted.

And with that we adjourned at 17:00 with many members staying behind to talk with your E-Board after the meeting…

Remember, stand strong and stand together,

In Solidarity,

See you at our next meeting.

E-Board & Communicator


Lockheed Members - June Bid Period Information


Happy Birthday IAM