Union Steward Nominations

Greeting Brothers and Sisters,

It’s time once again per District By-Laws. We apologize, but due to negotiations and the contract ratification vote, we are a little late to begin this process, but we still have time.

We are now accepting applications for Nomination of New Prospective Union Stewards. If you wish to nominate or be nominated follow the procedure below. The procedure below is from the District 725 By-Laws in regards to Steward Selection. To read the full guidelines for stewards and qualification for becoming a steward click the “Steward Rules” link below.

If you wish to nominate or be nominated for your area, download the form below, fill it out, and submit it to Richard Dees at the Union Hall by the end of this month. April 30th, 2023.

If you have a steward(s) in your area already, you can still nominate or be nominated. If you are already a steward, you shall automatically be a candidate without having to be nominated, providing you meet the requirements of Article I, Section F. If no nominations are made, the incumbent Steward(s) shall be considered elected until the next election.

Can I nominate myself?

Yes. You can nominate yourself.

Deadline for submission: April 30th, 2023


Section 1. Except in the cases of vacancies and newly created Union Representative districts, Union Representative districts, Union Representative elections shall be scheduled by the District Business Office every other year during a four (4) month period. The Business Office shall prepare notices for posting on Union bulletin boards during the month of March. An incumbent Union Representative shall automatically be a candidate without having to be nominated, providing they meet the requirements of Article I, Section F., above. If no nominations are made, the incumbent Union Representative shall be considered elected until the next election. Elections, if necessary, shall take place as scheduled by the Business Office during the months of April and May. Notices shall be posted on the appropriate bulletin boards at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the election, stating the date, time, location, and the Union Representative’s jurisdiction or area of responsibility. Elections shall be held by secret ballot at the designated polling place. If current Collective Bargaining Agreements conflict with the preceding, the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement shall apply. No absentee ballots are to be used in Union Representative elections. NOTE: Nominations must be submitted in writing on a form supplied by the District. Nomination forms must be either hand delivered to the Business Office or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, and must be postmarked no later than the date of the close of nominations in order to be valid.

Stewards… Please click the link below and post in your area and on Union Boards.


Membership Contact Information Update


April Union Meeting Summary.