Steps For Grievances

Before any grievance is written and delivered, proceed with Oral Complaints/Initial Grievance.

Oral Complaints/Initial Grievance

Oral complaints or initial grievance, should first be discussed with the department supervisor. This is an attempt to resolve the issue at the lowest level possible. Many issues can be settled before a Written Grievance is needed. This may be accomplished with or without the steward. If the issue is not resolved within fifteen (15) calendar days, the issue may be elevated to a Written Grievance.

What is a Written Grievance?

The term "grievance" as it is used throughout the CBA, shall mean a written claim by an employee that the Company has violated a specific provision of the CBA, which, denies a right given to the employee under a specific provision of the CBA. The Written Grievance should state the specific provision of the CBA claimed to have been violated. The grievance shall be on the form mutually agreed upon by the Union and the Company. The grievance form shall be dated and signed by the employee and shall set forth a complete statement of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the time of their occurrence and the remedy or correction desired.

Grievance Examples and Templates

Click on the template you wish you use.

Grievance Procedure Timeline

Oral Complaint / Initial Grievance

Step 0

  • 15 Days - To settle at the lowest level possible (Department Supervisor)

If unable to settle at the lowest level, proceed with filing a grievance

File Grievance

Step 1

  • 15 Days - For Union Steward to deliver Grievance to the Department Manager after the alleged violation occurred

    Upon Request from the Union Steward, the Department Manager will make available all relevant information concerning a complaint or grievance.

  • 10 Days - For the Department Manager or designee to conduct a meeting with the Union Steward

  • 7 Days - For the Department Manager or designee to Answer Grievance in Writing

  • 7 Days - To Accept settlement or Escalate to Step 2

Step 2

  • 10 Days - For the Union Business Representative and the Labor Relations to conduct a meeting

  • 7 Days - For Labor Relations to Answer Grievance in Writing

  • 7 Days - To Accept settlement or Escalate to Step 3

Step 3

  • 21 Days - For the Union to initiate a grievance hearing by the Grievance Committee and Labor Relations

  • 7 Days - For Labor Relations to Answer Grievance in Writing

Should the Grievance Committee and Labor Relations fail to settle the grievance, either party may proceed to the Arbitration Process.