August Union Meeting Summary.

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Welcome to the summery of our August’s Member’s Meeting.

Our Day Shift Meeting began promptly at 16:02.

We started the with The Pledge of Allegiance which led us into our standard protocol with an E-Board Roll Call.

Following roll call, Brother James had informed us that we had no visitors or guests and we also had verification of quorum.

Sister Patricia read us the past minutes of our last meeting. That can be read by clicking the button below.

Next, we moved to Reports from the E-Board

The first announcement, we have is a new President and a new Vice President for our Local Lodge 727p. Former President Luis Alves has accepted a new position that has prompted his withdrawal from the Union. We wish Luis the best and a most fruitful career.

Per the IAM Constitution, our, now former, Vice President is appointed as the new President.

IAM Constitution -

Article B. SEC. 2. Officers of a newly organized L.L. shall hold office until the 1st meeting in January following their election. Thereafter, L.Ls. shall provide in their bylaws that terms of office for all officers shall be for a period of 3 years.

A member elected as president of a L.L. and who concurrently holds a position as a business representative shall be elected for a term of 3 years.

Any vacancy occurring in the office of president because of death, resignation, or incapacity or other cause shall be filled for the unexpired term by the vice president. All other vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in such form or manner as is prescribed by the L.L. and set forth in its bylaws, after approval by the I.P.

And per our Local Lodge By-Laws and as we do not have any alternates for the position of Vice President, The President shall appoint a new Vice President with the approval of the executive board. I, Derrick Hernandez, the Communicator has been appointed as the new Vice President.

LL727P By-Laws -

Section 13. All vacancies of offices between elections covering executive board members (except for president), elected delegates and committee members, who for some reason can’t fulfill their commitments, shall be filled by the first alternate for the remainder of their term.

(A) Provided he/she has maintained their election qualification for office, provided for in the IAM Constitution. 7

(B) All alternates will be the person or persons receiving the next highest amount of votes below the winner, etc.

(C) For all vacancies where not alternates qualify. The President of the Local Lodge shall appoint an alternate to fulfill the term of office, with the approval of the executive board.

Brother Gerald continued by talking about his time and why he got involved. He preached about people getting everyone involved. Next he brought up about how we now have our new Chief Steward. Brett Martin is our new Chief Steward so please if you see him, congratulate him. If you need to reach Brett, click the button below.

Bother Gerald continued with bring up about the communication we made in regard to Lunch and Break times. We have seen a massive increase in leadership teams standing outside the buildings that we work in waiting to try and catch people leaving early. Several Brothers and Sisters have already been written up, so we need to me mindful of the time. We are currently in the process of disputing these write ups and have several grievances already filed. The last thing Brother Gerald brought up is the continued issues with Gate 2 and it closing early. We are in the process of trying to resolve these issues. He closed with a reminder of elections scheduled for next year. Get involved now. Be ready and if there is a position you want to run for, do it. We need our membership to be engaged.

Sister Patricia wanted to start by thanking the membership for the opportunity in sending her to W3 for leadership 2 training. She was happy to represent the membership as a local in Washington. She was able to Network with Brothers and Sisters from all across the country and Canada to discuss issues we are having here as well as expand our resources we have available to us. She also had the opportunity to lobby with Congress and the Senate as part of her time at W3. If you’d like to read more about it click the button below.

Sister Patricia continued by expressing people to get involved. You too can have the opportunity to go to Maryland and train just like us. Earn these certificates and learn more about what you can do to be different and to change the culture around here for the better. It’s up to you. You have the load voices but it’s up to you to use it. She continued with saying how proud she was to represent you. How proud she is to continue with the opportunity to represent you. “I would be here now if it was for you guys voting me into this position in the first place” she stated. She encouraged everyone to get involved.

Lastly, she stated she’s still looking for interested Sisters who would like to help run the Womens committee. She can’t do everything by herself, and she would love for you to join and help in making the women's committee successful.

Next, we moved to reports from the Business Representatives

Brother Richard started by addressing the many who came to the meeting to pick up a CBA. Unfortunately, we ran out of the first batch we were given. There is another order with the printshop, and we are just waiting for more. As soon as we get more we’ll be getting more out to the membership. Richard reiterated about Brett becoming the Chief Steward. Richard is looking forward to continuing working with Brett and his passion for supporting the membership. Brett is one of the biggest advocated for this membership and is always pushing to do what right for us. We anticipate with Brett’s help, resolving more grievances.

Next, was a senior board meeting scheduled for Monday August 7th. While grievances are always on the agenda, they also plan on resolving many issues moving around the plant. Issues with Gate 2, Pay Period issues with the 3/12 shifts, issues with vacation and premiums for those on graveyard shifts. They plan on dealing with lots of major issues. Especially the resent issues with meal and break periods.

There should be a dawning and off period before and after your lunch or breaks. It only makes sense. If you’re a mechanic, you need time to clean up before your lunches so that you can receive your 30 mins of uninterrupted break. That will be an issue for discussion. Next, he addressed where leaders are standing outside the doors watching everyone leave for breaks and lunch. “It’s Ridiculous.” If you are shorted on your meal period because your boss is out there watching you, Richard needs you to let him know immediately. “That stops now. We’re not letting that happen anymore.” They’re interrupting your lunch. You’re guaranteed 30 mins of uninterrupted lunch. “How is that uninterrupted if my boss is standing at the door, watching? No, that’s not how this works.”

It was also brought to his attention that we have loaners again without our knowledge. This is also being addressed. If you are aware of any additional new loaners on site, please let Richard know. Anytime Lockheed plans on having TDY employees work on our site, they have to address this with the Union first. This is to give you, our membership, the opportunity to not be displaced by those employees. Example is, if these TDY employees are working first shift while you have a bid request to go to first from another shift. We should have first choice, always, when it comes to our work.

Lastly, Richard is selling raffle tickets for $20 each, for a chance to win a commemorative coin set, a gold, silver, and bronze set.

Now we moved onto Good and Welfare.

Good and Welfare at Day Shift’s Meeting had many questions. They started with questions in regard to the lunch and break issues. Questions were about California laws and if they are being so strict about those issues, what about the facts that for those who clock in early or those who stay a few minutes after, they adjust your times back to the hour?

We had a question about if shop stewards had the ability to go and investigate issues. The answer is yes and will also be a primary role for Brett as our new Chief Steward. If you’re having issues don’t hesitate to contact a steward. We can fine as many grievances as we need too. The more grievances we file, the more it will add up to creating change. “A grievance is a matter of record” stated Brother Edwin. The more we file the longer the paper trail becomes. There are only so many places they can move a manager before they have to take action. Brother Edwin brought up several great points for the tools we have in our pockets that we can use to fight back. We just need people to speak up.


We had our normal closeout with the 50/50 drawing and tee-shirt drawing.

We had our business.

And with that we adjourned Day Shift’s Meeting at 17:00.

Remember, stand strong and stand together,

In Solidarity,

See you at our next meeting.

E-Board & Communicator


IAM Unity and Growth Conference


Training to Communicate.