May Union Meeting Summary.

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Welcome to the summery of our May Day Shift members meeting.

Our meeting began promptly at 16:00.

We started our meeting off in the same way we start every meeting with The Pledge of Allegiance. This lead us into our standard protocol with an E-Board Role Call.

Following role call Brother James had informed us that we had no Visitors or Guests and that we had verification of forum.

Sister Patricia read us the past minutes of April's 1st and 2nd shifts meetings.

  • The Grand Lodge gifted our lodge Tee Shirts which we are now using for our meeting raffle prizes.

  • All new hires will receive vouchers to receive their one union shirt.

  • The introduction of Richard Dees as the interim replacement Business Rep. for the Retirement of Penny Meeden effective May 1st.

  • Informed that our Negotiations Committee is working to fix the wording in our contact to take out the grey areas.

  • ADP would like to bring in different classification from other sites to help with the employee shortage.

Brother Brett gave us the Secretary Treasurer report and reported our bills which was accepted to pay.

Next we moved to Communications from the E-Board

Brother Luis brought to us that May 5th is our Unions birthday and we celebrate the 134th anniversary of our founding. He also brought to the union a substitution for a delegate position for the Grand Lodge Convention this Fall. Next Brother Luis addressed our new Educator/Communicator and the redesign of our new website where you are reading this now. Please spread the word to drive as much traffic to our website to find out all the information for our upcoming events and posts about our Union.

Brother Gerald attended the funeral of one of our Brothers of 39 years we recently lost and thanked us all for our contribution we made for this loss. He also reiterated about our website and how we need to advertise to our membership its importance. He brought to us a memo from Lockheed addressing allegations of ethics violations Lockheed Leadership and Salaried positions have been committing. He informed us we still have Union shirts for sale at $10 a shirt.

Brother Brett brought to us a synopsis of the contract our Fort Worth Brothers and Sisters ratified in their recent negotiations, as well as, brought us a summary of the ULA Machinists Union's new three year deal. For more information, click the button below.

The Negotiations Committee chose to save their address until Good and Welfare.

Brother Vic, our district delegate, brought up information on the 40th Grand Lodge Convention, originally postponed in 2020 due to COVID-19, has been rescheduled for October 2nd-7th, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada. He also brought to us the 1st quarter report of grievances and totals settled. Contact Brother Vic if you’d like more information.

Next we moved onto reports of anyone sick, injured, or deceased.

We had reports of three brothers and/or sister reported as either sick, injured or passed away recently that we would hold a moment of silence for before adjourning the meeting.

Reported were…

  • A retired brother of over 40 year who recently passed away

  • A report for the funeral for our brother that recently passed away

  • A Brother has recently discovered he has terminal cancer and doesn't have much time left.

Next we received a report from our Interim Business Rep Brother Richard in which Lockheed is proposing a M.O.U. For more information Contact Brother Richard.

Now we moved onto Good and Welfare.

Most of this time was spent answering questions and discussion about upcoming contract negotiations. We all must stand strong and stand together. Together in Solidarity we are strong. When our surveys start going out in the next few months, we need 100% participation. We were reminded and encouraged to wear our Union Shirts on Wednesdays. Wednesdays are Union days. We need to send a message and stand strong. We need to get everyone involved. With just over 1000 brothers and sisters at Lockheed we only have about 40 showing up for meetings. We must stand together and be informed.

We also had a presentation of the website where the features and information was given. We were informed at how we plan to provide as much information as possible moving forward. If you have questions please go to the home page of the website and fill out the form with all questions, comments, and suggestions.

Following discussion we had our 50/50 raffle and our tee shirt raffle.

We had our Old and New Business in which we had some union withdrawal cards which were accepted.

We had out motions to accept June’s Call-Outs for our E-Board and Call-Outs for three members to attend leadership training in Maryland at our International HQ.

Before adjourning we held a moment of silence for our lost brothers.

We adjourned the meeting at 16:54...

In Solidarity,

See you at our next meeting.

E-Board & Communicator


**Update 6/2/2022** - Union Vote for MOA


Happy Birthday IAM