November Union Meeting Summary.
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
Welcome to the summery of our November’s Day Shift Member’s Meeting.
Our meeting began at 16:04.
We, as always, started our meeting off in the same way we start every meeting with The Pledge of Allegiance. This led us into our standard protocol with an E-Board Role Call.
Following role call Brother Moe had informed us that we had several Visitors from the Western Territories.
GVP - Brother Gary Allan
Brother Bobby Martinez
Brother Oak Elesia
Brother Gary E Allan
Sister Joel Depue
We then deviated from our normal agenda of meetings and gave the podium to Brother Gary Allan. Brother Gary started by thanking everyone and introducing himself as the General Vice President of the Western Territories. He has been in that role for the last 14 years. He then informed us to the reasoning for his visit. He and the other members of the Western Territories were there because they met with Lockheed. Traditionally with Lockheed, as we go into negotiations, they will go with our negotiations committee and talk with the company. They talk about the state of the business and issues. They talk about what the company sees in terms of the future for the business and as we all know, Lockheed, right now, is trying to hire as many people as they can. They also received a tour of the plant.
Next Brother Gary took a poll of the meet to see how many people had been here with Lockheed for less than 5 years and then more than 20. He found that the majority of us have only been a part of the company for less than 5 years and many of us have never been through a negotiation before. He then explained to us the process work within the Machinist Union. “This is a Membership driven Union and in order to have a contract voted upon, a simple majority must take place. I can’t come in here and sign that contract. None of your representatives can come in here and sign that contract. It’s up to the people who work under that contract and that right is codified in the IAM Constitution. That can’t be taken away from you and you should never let it be allowed to be taken away from you because you are the ones that work under that contract.” He then continued with information about calling a strike. “Now in order to call a strike in the machinist union, you need to have 2/3 majority in order to have that strike and that’s only for those who work under this contract.” Strikes don’t happen all the time, but they do happen. In recent years with what is happening with the economy, inflation is out of control, gas is out of control, and all the commodities we all consume are out of control, we have seen an increase in strikes. Brother Gary then told us how they just settled a strike up in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California and that vote barely passed. They were on strike for 7 weeks and it passed by 54%. This is a membership driven Union and only we can decide if a contract is good enough for us.
Brother Gary Continued with one thing that was brought up from the company. The item was how the company kept on talking about the amount of turnover they are having. That they can’t seem to keep people on payroll, and they keep leaving for other opportunities. He then asked the members in attendance why we think that is, and the overwhelming majority of answers were, 1. Not enough pay, and 2. Management. This open discussion continued for quite a while with various reasons as to the problems with turnover. Other reasons were lack of opportunity, benefits, and lack of pension. Brother Gary really listened to everyone and the concerns that were brought us and then stated that he recommended to our committee member to take what was said and bring these issues to the table.
It was then stated how when meeting with the company, they just couldn’t understand why we had these issues. When our committee members tried to explain it to them bringing the same issues that the members in attendance were bringing up, they just couldn’t understand it and as Brother Brett stated, “They just stood there like a deer in the headlights.” Next Brother Luis spoke up explaining how the company using the excuse that they didn’t know was a total lie. He has been in several skip level meetings where he gave these exact reasons to Directors and he always received the same answer, “We’ll look into it.” They know but they don’t want to do anything about it. Brother Luis also explained how the company loves to blame the Union for all these problems. “You don’t make enough money? Well, the Union was the one who agreed to that.” The company loves to pass the blame onto the Union for all our problems when it was the company that took the pension away. We just had no other option but to agree to it. When the Union asked for more money, it was the company that said no.
Brother Gary then reinforced why we need to stand together.
This is our future we are negotiating. We are the people who will be voting for our contract. We must stand together in solidarity. We need people to participate. Come to the meetings. Come to this website. Stay informed and unite. Remember this Union is membership driven. If we don’t get involved and we don’t participate, Lockheed will just keep taking until we have nothing left.
With Brother Gary Allan finished he thanked everyone for their time and their input. Stand strong and stand together.
Now back to our normal agenda, Brother Vic read us the past minutes of our last meeting which is a summary of our last meeting. That can be read here.
Next, Brother Brett gave us the Secretary Treasurer report and reported our bills which we had none.
We had no communications from the district.
Next, we moved to Communications from the E-Board
Brother Luis stated that most of what he had was covered under Brother Gary’s speech. Brother Luis then stated about starting a Women’s Committee and took the names of 2 Sisters for this new committee.
Brother Gerald brought to us that we have a new shipment of Union Tee Shirts in and if you need to collect your shirt contact him. If you would like a 2nd or 3rd shirt that are also for sale at $10 each. Remember to wear them on Wednesdays. Brother Gerald told us about all the programs he learned about at the Grand Lodge Convention and how solidarity matters. We must stay united and stay solid. Strikes can be scary, but we must be prepared. It’s a very powerful tool. Keep some savings and if you have too, take a loan from your 401k. It’s a low interest loan and you will have it if you need it. If you don’t need it, then just pay it back in. It’s your money so be prepared.
Next, we received a report from Business Rep. Brother Edwin. He represents all other members working at companies that aren’t Lockheed. Brother Edwin explained more about strikes and its power. He then told us about HMS elected Stewards and they are coming up on negotiations soon as well. Pratt and Whitney are also coming up on the contract and negotiations. Albers Aerospace had to have a MOU to fix a pension fund issue. Vertex and Caine Associates have their contract coming up in April so more prep in negotiations. We are all members of 727P. Brother Edwin then told us he would be taking some time off for baby bonding as he is expecting twins. Let’s all wish him a congratulations and best of luck. He will be out for a couple months, but he will be back.
Next, we received a report from our other Business Rep. Brother Richard. He told us about the meeting they had again with Lockheed and how he felt it went very well. He stated how we are in a good spot going into negotiations. Lockheed is in need of people and that gives us the leverage. Next, he went into grievances. They have been hitting them hard and trying to settle as many grievances as possible going into negotiations so we can focus what’s important, our job studies and getting these negotiations going. He then brought up about how we will be having a tailored survey coming out here very soon. This survey will have questions specifically for Lockheed Palmdale to help understand what the most important things for us are. He informed us that we intend to have the strike sanction vote in January. If you would like to learn more about what a strike sanction vote is, please click here. The short of it is, a vote to release funds to be used for us should we vote to strike. It’s not a vote to strike, but just a vote to make sure we get paid. After that, Brother Richard told us about how he enjoyed the picnic we had. We had a good turnout, but it could always be better, and he looks forward to doing that again after we get through negotiations. Next, Brother Richard brought up about steward training. We were unable to do steward training last month, but we will be having steward training this month. Steward training also is open to everyone and not just stewards. If you’d like to attend it will be on Wednesday November 9th 1:00(1300)-1:30(1130) and 4:00(1600)-4:30(1630). (Note: That is today for when this is posted.) Lastly, Brother Richard reminded us to wear our shirts, wear our pins. It shows that we are together and sends a message to the company that we are one. The POC of the Pins is Brett Martin. If you need a Pin, Contact Brett.
Now we moved onto Good and Welfare.
As Good and Welfare started, the only thing brought up was about the upcoming survey. There are 2 different types of surveys. 1. are the surveys we send out on this website monthly. All those surveys can be found Here. The second is the surveys specifically for negotiations. That is the survey Richard addressed. A survey for the negotiations will be coming out soon. Another member brought up again how we need to stand together. Now is the time we make our money. We need to stand together. Brother Luis then told us how previous contracts have gone and how the company is going to give us a contract to try and take what they can from us. You will be responsible to read that contract and understand what it is you are voting for. You need to come and vote and when you do vote, Let’s say you hate the contract proposed, if you vote no and then vote no to strike, you vote yes on the contract and you told the company, “I Like the contract.” If you don’t show up to vote, then you told the company, “I Like the contract.” We the membership are going to decide if the proposed contract is good enough for us. What we can’t get at the negotiations table we will get on the strike table. So, get involved, get informed, and get out and vote because this is your future.
Next, we had our tee shirt raffle.
We had our Old and New Business in which we had another union withdrawal card which we accepted.
We had a motion to accept the purchase of Rosie the Riveter buttons which were accepted.
Brother Vic brought a nomination for our district lodge 725 President and Directing Business Representative and nominated David Bruere which was accepted. Brother Vic then read his acceptance speech for nomination.
We had a motion to accept December’s Callouts for our E-Board which were accepted.
We then had our moment of silence for our ill and deceased members.
We adjourned the meeting at 17:44...
Remember, stand strong and stand together,
In Solidarity,
See you at our next meeting.
E-Board & Communicator