October Union Meeting Summary.

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Welcome to the summery of our October’s Day Shift Member’s Meeting.

Our meeting began promptly at 16:00.

We, as always, started our meeting off in the same way we start every meeting with The Pledge of Allegiance. This led us into our standard protocol with an E-Board Role Call. Half of our E-Board and our Business Rep were out of town attending the Grand Lodge Convention in Las Vegas.

Following role call Brother David had informed us that we had no Visitors but were expecting Congressmen Mike Garcia to arrive at 5:00 (17:00) and that we had verification of forum.

Sister Patricia read us the past minutes of our last meeting which is a summary of our last meeting. That can be read here.

Next, we were unable to receive our Secretary Treasurer report as Brother Brett, for he was one of the many attending the Grand Lodge Convention, so Brother Luis instead gave us our reported our bills. They were accepted to be paid.

Sister Patricia for her communications brought up about getting a head start with our Toy for Tots charitable donations. If you have a donation you wish to make for Toys for Tots and you plan on attending our Union Local Lodge Picnic, please bring you unwrapped toy with you. You can also visit the hall through 12/16/2022. That was all she had for us.

Next, we moved to Communications from the E-Board

Next Brother Luis wanted to remind everyone that at the end of this month, Saturday October 29th, is our Union Picnic. All information about the picnic can be found here. He hopes to see everyone there. Next, he had an address specifically for Lockheed Members. We are getting close to negotiations as we all know. Please refrain from having conversations of what you do or don’t want to see on the contract in negotiations. When on Lockheed property, you never know who is listening, so don’t give the company any advantage as we go into negotiation. Simply answer any question, whether it be from another union brother or sister or a member of salary, that if we don’t get a fair contact then we’ll walk. That is all the company needs to hear. We can talk about it outside of work, talk about it at the union hall, just don’t talk about it at work. No more giving them a chance to walk into negotiations knowing what we want and screwing us everywhere else.

Next Sister Patricia wanted to address the wage increases recently given out by the company. The union never approved that. That was an increase issued by the company that is believed to create division. They used a section of our contract to issue these raises to whoever they decided. They stated their reasoning for the selected positions, was those areas had high attrition and had a hard time keeping employees in those areas. We feel that it was unfair and even in her labor grade, she understands how that can bring division for being so unfair. She then brought up about the buttons you’ve seen people wearing. This is another thing we are doing to create solidarity and show the company that we are serious about a fair contract. If you haven’t received a button yet, we are placing another order for more and please contact one of us to get you button.

Next, I’d like to add here that we can always use more shop stewards. We most often complaint we always heart when we make our way to the shop floor is “I don’t know who my steward is.” A lot of people have moved around in the past year. Promotions, department changes, stewards can be hard to find if you’re unfamiliar with an area. If you want to get more involved, we can always use more stewards. Spread the word or volunteer yourself. If you’re interested in becoming a steward, contact Richard our business rep. Email Or if you have an issue use our new feature to report an issue and someone will follow up with you as soon as possible. Clicking that at the top of the page will take you to a page where you can fill out the form with your contact info and the problem you may be having. Once submitted will be sent to us where we can then contact you to help. This is not to replace or substitute our contract defined grievance process but is another tool for you to use to get the help you need when you need it. You can click the button below to go to that page.

Next, we moved onto reports of anyone sick, injured, or deceased.

We had no report of anyone which is always good news.

Now we moved onto Good and Welfare.

As Good and Welfare started, we had our tee shirt raffle.

The only thing that was brought up was from a member who has been through a strike before. He brough up the importance for preparing if we receive a bad contract and choose to strike. Should we strike, make sure you are prepared. Prepare some savings and stop working overtime. All this overtime you might be working now is only helping Lockheed to get ahead that, should we strike, they won’t fall behind and they can outlast your savings. This will force you to accept an unfair contract and allow Lockheed to win. Stand together and let’s get a fair contract.


We had our Old and New Business in which we had another union withdrawal card which we accepted.

We had a motion to accept the purchase of more buttons which were accepted.

We had a motion to accept November’s Callouts for our E-Board which were accepted.

We adjourned the meeting at 16:30...

A few members had stayed around with the anticipation of the arrival of Congressmen Mike Garcia who was reported to be arriving at 5:00 (17:00) however at 17:00 he had not arrived.

Remember, stand strong and stand together,

In Solidarity,

See you at our next meeting.

E-Board & Communicator


November Union Meeting Summary.


September Union Meeting Summary.