January Union Meeting

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Welcome to the summary of our January Member’s Meeting.

We held both meetings on the same day of January 17th.

Our Swing Shift Meeting began at 13:03 and our Day Shift Meeting began promptly at 16:00.

We started with The Pledge of Allegiance, leading us into our standard protocol with an E-Board Roll Call.

Following the roll call, Brother James informed us that we had a few guests and we also had verification of quorum.

Sister Patricia read us the past minutes of our last meeting.

Next, Brother Brett gave the report of the Secretary-Treasurer.

Next, we moved to Reports from the E-Board

To start with Brother Gerry, didn’t have much other than some issues he had been dealing with for some of our brothers and sisters in regards to pay during our winter shutdown. He also informed us of a scholarship opportunity being open here at Lockheed being offered by Lockheed for those interested in applying.

I, Brother Derrick, brought up the upcoming bid period and that we have a post on this website with instructions and links to forms in regards to the bid process. You can find that here.

Brother Brett added information about the bid process. Do your due diligence when you're writing your resume to make sure all the basic qualifications in the job description are in your resume and it shows the periods of time you completed those processes. “If it's not in there they're going to reject your application. The people who are reviewing our resumes for these positions don't understand what these positions are or what these positions do.

Sister Patricia Wished everyone a Happy New Year. She also brought up for those members who want to see the change within our Union, that she wants to encourage you to be part of that change. “I'm gonna do my best to get nominated again this next year so I'm on here for another 3 years.” You have until November to decide about what positions to get nominated for and be voted on in December.

Brother Victor, “I hope you guys had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday season with your family. I don't really have a district report but I have a little bit of something. We had our District Delegate executive board meeting down in Huntington Beach and I don't know if everybody knows but all the assets like a stove and the refrigerator, stuff like that, the air conditioning, just building in general, are owned by the District. So I asked our PDBR who is in charge of our district to have somebody come up here and look at it. Also, I don't know if you guys know this but the outside of this building is pretty white. The District just repainted the hall and they did white and black for the trim so the logo outside pops out. I think it looks really nice, so take a look.”

Now, we moved to reports from the Business Representatives

Brother Richard started by addressing the situation we have at site 2 with the U2 program. “It just came out that the customer told us to stop working on a couple of planes. This was in advance of the scale-down that we expected of the program. It doesn't mean that we don't have planes to deliver, they still expect planes to be delivered. I've been meeting with Leadership and I'm gonna continue to meet with them every week to stay on top of what's happening in the program. I talked to them about the potential for layoffs and right now there's no sign of layoffs in regards to the U2 Program.”

(More of what was said will not be posted here. Please contact Richard for more about this issue or come to the next meetings.)

Richard closed with, “I'll keep you guys informed as to what's going on in my meetings.”

Richard took several questions with regard to the topics he discussed.

To finish, we moved on to Good and Welfare.

Good and Welfare at the Day Shift’s Meeting was a continuation of the questions from Brother Richard’s briefing.

The swing shift meeting had no questions for good and welfare.


We had our business.

With that, we adjourned both our meetings.

Remember, stand strong and stand together,

In Solidarity,

See you at our next meeting.

E-Board & Communicator


Upcoming Bylaw Amendments


Lockheed Members - February Bid Period Information